USER 需要一張報表,如下圖:
上方的 ISO9001 條款部份,是屬於固定欄位,而左方的單位名稱,則非固定欄位。
上方 ISO9001 條款的部份,就會變成非固定欄位了,
因此必須在 Report 上拉一個資料表,直接在表首把 ISO9001 那些東西畫出來,真是麻煩呀!
畫好之後,還有更麻煩的地方,就是怎麼統計資料,然後怎麼把資料餵給 Report,
主要是透過 SQL 的 fetch 指令來跑迴圈,並用 count 計算,把計算好的資料塞到暫存資料表(即時計算),
再將暫存資料表當作 DataSource 餵給 Report,接著再把暫存資料表清空就好了。
以下是我研究出來的 SQL 指令,但是欄位的部份,作法真的還滿蠢的,
create table #t(c01 int,c02 int,c03 int,c04 int,c05 int, c06 int,c07 int,c08 int,c09 int,c10 int, c11 int,c12 int,c13 int,c14 int,c15 int, c16 int,c17 int,c18 int,c19 int,c20 int, c21 int,dep char(20)) declare @dep_name char(20) declare dep_cursor cursor for select distinct audeptname from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto open dep_cursor fetch next from dep_cursor into @dep_name while @@fetch_status=0 begin declare @ct01 int,@ct02 int,@ct03 int,@ct04 int,@ct05 int, @ct06 int,@ct07 int,@ct08 int,@ct09 int,@ct10 int, @ct11 int,@ct12 int,@ct13 int,@ct14 int,@ct15 int, @ct16 int,@ct17 int,@ct18 int,@ct19 int,@ct20 int, @ct21 int select @ct01=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='01' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct02=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='02' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct03=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='03' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct04=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='04' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct05=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='05' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct06=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='06' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct07=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='07' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct08=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='08' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct09=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='09' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct10=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='10' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct11=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='11' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct12=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='12' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct13=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='13' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct14=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='14' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct15=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='15' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct16=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='16' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct17=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='17' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct18=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='18' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct19=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='19' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct20=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='20' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto select @ct21=count(1) from gf_bpm_au_audit where autype='03' and basis='21' and audeptname=@dep_name and applydate>=@datefrom and applydate<=@dateto insert into #t (c01,c02,c03,c04,c05,c06,c07,c08,c09,c10, c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,c16,c17,c18,c19,c20, c21,dep) values (@ct01,@ct02,@ct03,@ct04,@ct05,@ct06,@ct07,@ct08,@ct09,@ct10, @ct11,@ct12,@ct13,@ct14,@ct15,@ct16,@ct17,@ct18,@ct19,@ct20, @ct21,@dep_name) fetch next from dep_cursor into @dep_name end close dep_cursor deallocate dep_cursor select * from #t drop table #t